Rev. Donald Langstieh
Mawlai Presbyterian School
From the President's Message
As one of the oldest schools in Mawlai, the school had over the years forged ahead in moulding our students to become responsible citizens and future builders of the society by imbibing moral values, ethics and etiquette, besides learning about the varied subjects needed in pursuance of educational goals.
In abiding by its true mission to serve and its motto “Learn to Serve”, the Vision and Mission of the school encompasses our aim to bring about excellence in the field of education. We can now proudly boast of having facilities that will bring us closer towards achieving our aim. With a strong team of dedicated teachers and staff as our valuable resources, we also have facilities like a library, a computer lab, a fleet of buses, a sick room and other amenities as required, to cater to our children and their needs besides a wide range of extra-curricular activities to help nurture their talents and tap their potentials.
Although we have so many milestones ahead of us to achieve, with challenges to overcome, we are hopeful that we will not only excel in the field of academics, but in the society as a whole. we have a long way to go and we have come so far. Looking forward, we see the future of our children, we see their hopes and aspirations and we want to help them achieve their dreams. We believe we can do so with a strong partnership between the Parents, students and teachers.
I invite you to explore our website, learn more about what we do and give us your valuable insights to help us improve the learning environment.